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Welcome to the wonderful world of Metaphysics, where you are invited to look at your healing from a different perspective, one where your power is acknowledged and utilized.  We all have this special super power, metaphysics just explains how to use it!


As a Metaphysical Practitioner I am blessed to have an innate skill set for inspiring healing in all areas of life, as well as having formally studied Social Science - Counselling and a Masters in Metaphysical Science. 


Specializing in: Soul Deep Healing; Identifying Causation of Dis-Ease (Health, Wealth, Love & Purpose); Intuitive & Energy Psychology; Mentoring & Guidance; and Belief Counsel.

What is a Metaphysical Practitioner?  Good question, Metaphysics on its own means many different things to many different people, the word comes from the Ancient Greek meaning: Meta = Over or beyond; Physics = Science related to energy & matter.


To me, Metaphysics is a philosophy, a psychology, a theology of sorts all tied into one, not a dogmatic religion, but a belief system which is unique to each of us.  Metaphysics is the true relationship between your body, mind, Soul & Spirit.


A Metaphysical Practitioner is the supporter, encourage-er, and empower-er of a clients journey into the SELF, allowing them the freedom to identify, acknowledge, release or re-write any patterns which are not conducive to them living a healthy, joyous and prosperous life.


The Metaphysical Practitioner relies on their knowledge of the Universal/Spiritual Laws, the wisdom of intuitive guidance and which ever healing modalities they resonate with. They work free from Ego and their Soul Purpose is to enhance the lives of their clients.. 

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